Freemason Stuff

Masonic Lodge Administration

The Worshipful Master has a large part to play in Lodge Administration. He is responsible for every facet of the lodge. He oversees all and is responsible for the smooth running of the Lodge. Dutie...

The Masonic Budget Committee

The Masonic Budget Committee is responsible for advising the Worshipful Master of the funds available at the Lodge’s disposal. They help the Worshipful master make relevant decisions that will invo...
Freemason Stuff

The Masonic Preparation Committee

The Masonic preparation committee consists of three Master Masons. The three Master Masons include the following: The Senior Steward The Junior Steward The Senior Deacon Functions of The Masonic ...
Freemason Stuff

How to Audit Lodge Financial Records

The Lodge Audit Committee helps the treasurer to ensure that the financial position of the Masonic Lodge is accurate through a series of accounting checks and balances.   Every year, the Masonic Lo...
Freemason Stuff

What It Means for A Masonic Lodge to ‘Go Dark’

The term ‘Go Dark’ means that a Masonic Lodge has ceased to exist as a Lodge. One major meaning is that it has permanently closed its doors or ceased to exist as a Lodge. Also, it could also mean t...
Freemason Stuff

Masonic Bible Presentation Ceremony

After completing the Master Mason degree, the new member of the Masonic Fraternity is presented with a Bible by the Worshipful Master of the Lodge or other Lodge officers. This Bible is presented ...

The Worshipful Master

There is no greater honor for a Freemason than when he becomes elevated to the Chair as the Lodge Master or Worshipful Master of the Lodge. Most Brothers elevated to this Chair feel pleased and anx...
Freemason Stuff

The Masonic Lodge Junior Warden

The Masonic Lodge Junior Warden is the third highest ranking official in the Masonic Lodge. He helps to ensure that the Lodge is operating smoothly. He performs the following functions: Assistant o...

The Masonic Lodge Senior Warden

The column of strength is a representative of Jachin which is the pillar at the right-hand side of the entrance to King’s Solomon Temple. The Senior Warden also known as the First Warden represent...